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Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Oh and I am up to FOUR followers!! Yay...I love all of you who take the time to read my blog! You are all awesomespice...
until tomorrow...
Monday, September 28, 2009
This brings me to something I read the newest edition of the 'Shorter Oxford English Dictionary' 16,000 words have lost their hypens!! What-the-effspice? I love hyphens. I hyphenate words constantly...heck I even hypenate whole sentences when I am feeling a little crazy...and what has all of this led to? My beloved hyphens going extinct...
For example the word 'bumble-bee' will now be 'bumblebee' and 'ice-cream' will now be 'ice cream'...I know crazy right?! I bet all of you are as outraged as I am...right?....Right?! I bet all of you are dying to know why this is happening...well no worries I will hip you to the genius reasoning behind this move.
"People are not confident about using hyphens anymore, they're not really sure what they are for…Printed writing is very much design-led these days in adverts and Web sites, and people feel that hyphens mess up the look of a nice bit of typography. The hyphen is seen as messy looking and old-fashioned." Yep....this gem of a quote came from the editor of the Shorter basically people are getting lazy and can't be bothered to use a 'messy-looking hyphen'...whatevs...
I blame texting and twitter for this...even though I love my texting I so blame it for the extinction of the hyphen.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
story time...
Onto the story of the day. There are four lab tables in this class...four people to each nasty sheep brain per table. I am here representing Table Numero Dos...we are located right next to Table Numero Uno. Table Numero Uno is where this debacle took place...
So on Tuesday I am sitting in class minding my own business, I am taking notes...while trying to cover my nose, not look at the actual brain or the slides of the brain, AND trying to control my gag reflex (yep! go me! i am such an amazing multi-tasker). I hear the most blood-curdling screech I have ever heard in my life. It was coming from Table Numero Uno...I look up and the poor girl sitting two people away from me is SPITTING OUT A CHUNK OF THE CEREBELLUM OF THE SHEEP BRAIN!! Spitting it out!! Spitting it out of her MOUTH ...along with what looked like a vomit-inducing mixture of saliva and formaldehyde...
I honestly thought I was going to throw up...needless to say the poor girl who was munching on a sheep brain did throw up...although how she made it out of the classroom before vomiting I will never know...
So...what have we learned from this post? Let's review...
Moral #1: Do not become a psychology major...because you will be forced to take biological psychology and you will have to dissect something gross.
Moral #2: Do not talk or open your mouth for ANY reason, if you are unfortunate enough to already be enrolled in a class like this, or are already a psychology major and it is too late to go back.
So I am done with this post now...because I am re-grossed out just thinking about the 'incident' and I am sure you are all just as grossed out...
I am off to go watch: Project Runway, The Vampire Diaries, and GREY'S-freakin-ANATOMY...yep you are right...I rock at life...
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
question and answer...
*Drum roll as I flip through the book......*
Question #25 (also known as the most lamespice question 'eva. I really want to flip to another one...but I said I would answer whichever question I flipped to and I have integrity and would feel bad if I was lying to all of basically it is YOUR fault I am doing this question...does anyone else love the fact that I use a bazillion ellipses per post and create the most ridiculous run on sentences in the history of run on sentences?)
Ok let's jump back on track...
Question #25: For an all-expense paid, one-week vacation anywhere in the world, would you be willing to kill a beautiful butterfly by pulling off its wings? What about stepping on a cockroach?
Answer: Um...the long and short of it...yes, and hells-to-the-yes! Seriously, no joke. Listen, I know all Gods creatures are equal but see this thing right here...

it's pretty right? I even searched photobucket until I found a REALLY unique, pretty butterfly to post. It's got great color...and I would totes rip off them wings for an all-expense paid week in Europe. Sorry...but that is the truth...and sometimes the truth hurts (ha! that's what the butterfly said! ok so now I need to go and make reservations at 'Dante's Inferno' because I am SO heading there after that horrible butterfly-torturing pun!)
And as for this sick little cockroach fool...

I would grind his little cockroach-bones (do they have bones?) into cockroach dust...I would even do it with my favorite shoes... then I would wipe off said shoes and pack them in my bag for my lovely free week long vacation....saonaira sucka!
Okay truth time bloggers...would you destroy these little buggie friends for a FREE week-long trip ANYWHERE you wanted? C'mon be honest...(if your answer is yes I will add you too my party when I make my reservations in the fiery pits!)
One last thing...there is a crucial poll going on right as we speak...a hot or not poll! It is a fight to the death between Robert Pattinson and Paul make your way over to Busy Bee Lauren and vote your booty's off! (also, if you do NOT vote for R-patz...I will block all of your future comments on this blog...just kidding! but c'mon he is a HOTTNESS MONSTER!)
Monday, September 21, 2009
stayin' alive...
and yes, those are flamingos on her shoes, or better yet as she calls them her 'mamingo shoes' uh-huh she rocks at life...
Then my lovely brother Jonathan and his even-lovelier girlfriend Christina took my mother, niece, and myself out to eat at one of those super fun hibachi girl (okay so I totes meant to write 'Hibachi GRILL' but I wrote girl and I am leaving it because it made me chuckle!) places where they cook your food right at the table and do all that crazy, flippy,choppy, throwing food was a blast. The food was super yummy, and the chef was pretty entertaining (minus the part where he lit the ENTIRE grill on fire without warning and my niece literally crawled up my brothers ENTIRE body and Christina and I both almost threw our necks out when we thought our faces had caught on fire!)
I bet right now you are all wondering where all the pictures from this great meal are...yep well I am a bad-blogger (feel free to smack me on the hand) and I left my camera all alone at home...yep epic blog fail!
After stuffing our faces...we all decided that ice cream sounded like a great idea. We went downtown which of course led to me and Bastina sprinting across the street to go shopping. Yeah that is right...we went shopping and THEN got gelato...uh huh shopping first, gelato second we have our priorities ok?!
Sunday wasn't that much fun...but was quite productive...I did ALL of my laundry, ALL of my homework, and caught up on season 3 of Dexter...Micheal C. Hall is foxy...he is a total dime piece (a ten...get it?! Ha!)...yet he still didn't get an Emmy...bummer.
Since I failed with the pictures of the goings-on of my weekend I will try to make up for it...
this is the lovely brother who took us out and fed him for that...don't love him for the lack of oxygen I was receiving in this photo...and the red face it caused...
this is another photo of the big brother with my niece...playing Guitar Hero...yep it isn't a family Christmas if Guitar Hero isn't around...and yes he is gangsta'...
a fun fact about this brother...for some reason no one in our family pronounces his name correctly. his name is Jonathan...and for some reason we ALL pronounce it Jon-than...i never realized this until someone pointed it out to me...odd.
this is my brothers girlfriend. this is also one of my favorite pictures 'eva. yep she is crazy...yep she fits in the family well...also from here on out any mention of her she will be called Bastina...because that is what we call her. actually it is Bastina Balicious. Bastina came from my nieces' inability to pronounce her name...and Balicious came after WAY too many hours of us all in a car driving to Disneyland...
since I absolutely LOVE posting embarrassing pictures of people on here...I also like to counteract them with a good then my friends and family members don't want to throw down the next time I see them...your welcome Bastina!
awww...cute Jon-than and Bastina...thanks for the yummy food guys! (Oh and Bastina...hopefully you are reading this...we need to go back to Artifax...I want that purse!!)
Yep...pretty good weekend...and I am completely enticed to sign off with my lamespice Gossip Girl joke...but I will resist for everyone's sanity...oh and don't forget...WATCH 'The Vampire Diaries' on Thursday and then go and read Busy Bee Lauren's recap...and then come back here and thank me...
Friday, September 18, 2009
i love california, but...
However, as of late I have been hating on California. Why, you may ask? IT IS TOO HOT, AND I AM O-V-E-R It. So I know it isn't the hottest state in the world but I hate the 90 degrees and I am so tapping out. But I buck up and deal with it knowing that when winter comes it will be lovely and cold and rainy and I can bust out my cute hats, scarves, and hoodies. However, fall is starting in like a week and we have NO sign of a cool 105 all next week. Sick. Ew. Die.
So...don't be concerned if my blog is suddenly lights out next week. You know in case I melt into a puddle or cook myself to death in my oven-um-I-mean-my-car. And yes Jil for the millionth time you can have my sunglasses as soon as I kick!
On this happy note...have a good weekend bloggity bloggers!
xoxo....Gossip Girl...(I know, I know, that is like too many cheesy jokes in one week! I will try to tone them down a bit, scouts honor!!)
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
short but sheep...

This is going to be a looooong semester...yuck, sick, EW!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
chicken wings, ikea, and inappropriate laughter with the girls...
Yes, my friends...I photographed this greasy food that this picture features: the amazingly yummy pickles (and their delish onion strings).
Anywho...back to the tale of the cancelled margaritas! My mother mentioned Saturday morning that she was thinking of heading down to Sacramento with a friend of hers...a light bulb went off in my head *ding*!! I immediately sent a text to my friend Jil and suggested cancelling our Saturday night drinks and replacing them with a trip to one of our favorite fine dining establishments (which happens to be in Sacramento where my mother was heading). She was in...obvi...I totally had her at 'fried pickles'.
So Sunday afternoon the four of us gals headed off to Sacramento...with our bellies a'grumbling to this LOVELY place.. read that right. I love is a haven of greasy deliciousness. It is also, unfortunately, the haven of waitresses in polyester orange shorts and tube socks...sicknast.
Needless to say the four of us gals ate until we felt sick, laughed our butts off, and then headed off to Ikea to do some shopping. Overall, a great day and SO much better than margaritas!
Yes that is right I LOVE Hooters (the restaurant! get your head outta the gutters!). Don't judge what you do not understand!
So, any of you have totally gross guilty pleasures like fried pickles?? Do share...
Friday, September 11, 2009
a good book+mango margaritas+time with the girls=awesomespice mood...
Also in an effort to turn my pissyspice mood into an awesomespice mood...I will be meeting the girls out for a mango margarita (yes that is right only one) and some gossip. I mean really what on this earth is better than mango margaritas, girls night, and lots of chit chat? Nothing. That's what! Well...Robert Pattinson could join us and THAT would probably make it better...but I won't keep my hopes up!
So have a fun, relaxing weekend all! Hopefully I will come back with a much better attitude for a Monday post! Cheers!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
furlough days...
Oh are you wondering what a furlough day is? Do you think it sounds fun, sorta like a vacation? it isn't. Due to the awesome handling of budget matters out here in good ol' California our tuition was raised 30%!!! After they raised our tuition they then decided that every professor was required to take nine furlough days off. A furlough day off means they cannot step foot on campus; no classes; no time in their offices; no answering students e-mails; and no returning phone calls. Yeah they can't even check their e-mail (if they do they get a $675 dollar fine) how crazy is THAT?
Okay so nine days doesn't seem like that big of a deal....and really it isn't. The thing that is making me lose my mind is that only 3 days are campus-wide. Which means on those three days every teacher/school employee is gone and the school is totes shut down. The rest of the six days are teachers each teacher picks six random days that they will cancel all their classes.
Doesn't sound too bad...the bad part is trying to figure out which of my six teachers cancelled class for which day...and they keep changing it. I got an e-mail from a teacher last night saying that they switched all their days to accomodate a vacation so to 'disregard' her previous schedule?!?!
WHAT?! I already inked all that business into my planner (theloveo'mylife planner; that I cannot function without).
Grrr...okay sorry this was a bit of a rant...which I do sometimes...sorry you all had to read it!
So tell me what is making you crazy today?!?!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
my favorite person ever...
So you may be wondering why I love this kid so much...well let me school you...
1.) She is a fashionista in training...
I mean honestly you know you are all jealous wishing you could rock that bathing suit with those boots while digging in your it!
2.) She is the smartest four-year-old I have ever encountered...

I don't have a picture to document her super human brain power (so I will just post a super cute one); but the kid is almost too dang smart for her own good!
Examples of her exceptional genius:
*She is only four and is a proud card carrying *cough*brainwashed*cough* Democrat, or as she says it "A Democrack".
*When I ask her why she is so smart...she sighs at me and says, "Um because I just know everything, silly!"
*The best example of all would be when she wrangled me and two others into baking her birthday cupcakes for her preschool class with the promise that she would of course help us...this lead to me, my friend Jil, and my mother spending hours cranking out these babies...
Yeah this is only half of them...we made about one million (give or take about 999,975). So while we worked our bootay's off where was my lovely niece? She helped decorate half a cupcake and then patted us on the back told us we were doing a good job and hightailed it into the living room to watch 'Yo Gabba Gabba'...yep smartest kid EVER!
3.) She just is...
The sweetest...
Most carefree...
Silliest (yes, those are her unds on her head, she is a genius remember?!)...
Most hilarious...
Best addition to our family EVER...
Okay can wake up now! I may have gone a little overboard....but I just loves me some Jordan Lee!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
my children...
Now...I had another child (Versace #2)...but sorry to say it...he was ugly and way TOO gold and a little too J-Lo for my own style so...I sold him on the black order to adopt another...
Say "how-do-ya-do?" to Jimmy...Jimmy Choo that is. He is my favorite hands down...I love him like Edward loves Bella...oh the front? problem...
*Please forgive my SO non-professional picture taking abilities I totally just rocked these out in like two minutes via my kitchen table as the backdrop...ain't no thing!
So world. Blog world, children...shake hands and play nice!
Okay world...what is your vice? The one thing you will spend insane amounts of money on no matter what? Mine obviously is severely overpriced designer shades...share yours!!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
irk of the day...
Yeah that is right...I just said that.
He says about ten times per lecture, "I seen"
As in, "When I was in Russia I seen how much the children tend to help their parents financially"
Or, "The other day I was walking around campus and I seen these kids running around like crazy folk."
"I seen, I seen, I seen"
Like hello, what happened to grammar and proper english? Anyone...anyone?
It makes me crazy....
*And please do not point out the fact that I do follow the rules of grammar on this's a blog and I don't have to! kthanksbye!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
i want...
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
question and answer...
Question #156: On an airplane you are talking pleasantly to a stranger of average appearance. Unexpectedly, the person offers you $10,000 for one night of sex. Knowing that there is no danger and that payment is certain, would you accept the offer?
Answer: way in H-E-L-L!! Like no way, would not even consider it. Okay I would probably take like five seconds to be like 10,000 bucks in my bank would be SO awesome, and then I would be like NO WAY. I value myself a little bit more than that...that is some seriously skeezy business going on. So, no random Plane Pervert I will not be joining you for a PAID roll in hay.
By the way...wouldn't that technically be prostitution? As in illegal? Yep...I think so! does anyone want to throw in their two cents? Would any of YOU pocket the 10 grand and hit the sack with The Plane Pervert? If you had starving kids at home and no other options, would you partake in this wager? Discuss amongst yourselves...oh and this blog is a no judgment zone!