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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

short but sheep...

A couple of weeks ago I made a vow..a vow to all of you and to myself. I vowed that there was no chance in hell that I would be placing my hands ANYWHERE near my sheep brain for my biological psychology class. I promised my lab group that I would take ALL the notes and share them with everyone if they didn't make me participate in dissection.

Well...that was the plan up until yesterday morning. We had our gloves on, our charts open, and our dissection trays in front of us...and I realized that the only male in our group full of females is *ahem* a little bit of an idiot. I am so not trying to be mean but I am 99% sure he spends 100% of his time high as a kite...and it shows! This person was not listening to our professor and was MUTILATING our sheep brain...not cool. We get graded on this so it has to be right...

Of course me being the patient and un-controlling person that I am I guided him kindly and helped him ripping the scissors out of his hands and saying I will just do it myself (yes, I know I have control issues...I do not deny the truth). It was the most S-I-C-K-N-A-S-T thing ever. I totes gagged the entire time I was cutting the meninges off the brain...*vomit*!
Oh and just in case you wondering...this isn't my groups brain but the picture still works...

I bet that you are ALL absolutely starving right now aren't you? a nice lamb sandwich sounds delish right? Ya. No. Puke.
*Oh and please forgive me for my oh-so-lame pun intended's not funny and I am aware! lol Now GO make those sandwiches!!!

This is going to be a looooong semester...yuck, sick, EW!


Jilian said...

Eeeewwwww! What the F's the matter with you! Why'd you put those pictures on there? I'm eating yogurt for breakfast!!!!!!!! Not anymore! Gag..GAG!

Alexandria said...

Yep...I put the pictures up just for YOU Jilian!!

Sam, The Nanti-SARRMM said...
