If you have been reading this blog for awhile now you should know who Bff Jil is. Well, today is a very special day. Homegirl is having a birthday! On this day 30 looooong years ago (sorry Jily, that is the ONLY old joke I will make) Bff Jil was born. This post is for you Jily.
Jilian is many things. She is a daughter, granddaughter, sister, aunt, and a niece. But to me, she is one of my very best friends on the planet. Why? Well, let me mansplain it to you...
Why yes, sometimes we DO write our names in the sand like couples do. Jealous? Don't worry though...we are a couple but it is strictly a hetero-female kinship thing. Sometimes Bff Jil and I tan WAY too much in the summer...but we then love the photos because our teeth look blingin' white. Word.
Sometimes we take pictures and make the exact same face without even realizing it...and then we cannot remember why on Earth we were making said faces...
Sometimes we both go through hard times. This past year we both have had deaths in our families. When Jil's younger sister passed away I was there for her. I called and emailed and tried to take her mind off things. That is what SHE needed. When my dad passed away Jil sent a text saying she was sorry and asking how I was. I told her 'thank you' and 'fine'. She left it at that. She didn't text anymore, call, or email. Why? Because that is what I needed. I didn't need comfort, I needed space. Even though it killed her to do so...she let me have my space and come to her when I was ready. She knows me well.
Sometimes Jil makes me try new things. Like camping. At the age of 23 I had never been camping...well that was remedied by Jilian. She somehow twisted my arm into going. While I am still not a camping gal...I am glad that I at least tried.
Sometimes I try to get Jil to do crazy things with me...like protest. See? It is give and take with us. I go camping with her, she goes protesting with me. It is a fabulous system.
Sometimes we take the first picture we have even taken together (yes, this picture) and we then continue to take pictures together in the EXACT same position. We have dubbed it, 'The Signature Pose'.
Sometimes we go to "the rodeo" every single year. Yes, by "the rodeo" I totally DO mean not attending one second of the actual rodeo, and going to the bar by where the rodeo is located for the dance at night. Basically, just to drink beer and dance with cowboys.
Sometimes we sit around and shoot the breeze for h-o-u-r-s. We gossip. We bitch. We talk about EVERYTHING on the planet. I mean really, in our friendship there is no topic that is off limits. We actually probably share FAR too much with one another now that I think about it.

Sometimes we get wastey faced and take pictures that make both of us cringe. Um...seriously Jil? What the eff were we doing here?
Sometimes one of my favorite things about Bff Jil is that she too embraces the trashy with me. What do I mean by this? In the picture above the two of us were enjoying a lovely fine dining experience at our favorite restaurant. Oh, what restaurant? Hooters. Yes. You did read that right. We l-o-v-e Hooters. Holla, chicken wings AND fried pickles! Holla.
Sometimes Bff Jil and I can be uber-biatches. We are snarky, mouthy, and two overly opinionated broads. Like if you ever overheard a conversation between us...you would think we were enemies a la Edward and Jacob. A typical conversation between us:
Jil: This shirt is cute.
Me: *Blank stare*
Jil: Or not.
Me: Yeah...not. It is fug. Srsly. If you buy that our friendship is done.
Jil: Shut up. You own a shirt that has elephants on it.
Me: Eff you! I love that shirt.
Jil: You would. I am buying this shirt.
Me: Sweet. You should get some stirrup leggings to match.
Sometimes even though to others we may look like enemies, we really could not be closer. She is my sarcastic soul-mate. My sister in all things snark. We joke and say horrible things to each other, and the amazing part? Nothing is ever taken seriously. It is a joke and we both know it. We have said many times, "And that is why we are friends." Truth.
Sometimes the reasons why we are such legit friends...cannot be expressed in spoken word. Only photos like this can suffice.
Happy Birthday Jilian! Last year was quite the bitch...this year needs to kick some serious trash. You are not so much a friend to me now you are family, and that is the absolute truth. You are one of the best friends I have ever had. I love you Jily! Have a fabulous day! Be sure to start drinking your Metamucil and applying wrinkle cream...you are getting up there old lady (okay sorry. I know I promised only one old joke but I could not resist)!
Blog friends please join me in wishing Jil a Happy Birthday in the comment section!