It's time for 'Fill in the Blank Friday'! I love these lovely little end of the week posts! Make sure to do your own fill in the blank post and then head on over to Lauren's blog to link up! On we go...

{1.} The first thing I do in the morning is make my bed. I cannot fully start my morning until my bed is made. Yes, I do know that I am slightly OCD. I have learned to embrace my crazy.
{2.} Every night before bed I read. It calms me down...and helps make me sleepy.
{3.} My favorite thing to do when I'm having a bad day is to turn on some angry music and sing at the top of my lungs all while dancing it out.
{4.} Something that makes me cringe is when people use racist terms. It makes my skin crawl and is just awful.
{5.} Social situations are fun! I like meeting new folks, or hanging out with folks that I already know. I can pretty much talk to anyone, so I am good.
{6.} I like to collect anything that is flamingo related. I have a love for all things flamingo. Why? No clue. But I l-o-v-e them so bad. I embrace the tacky.
{7.} Weekends are for catching up on homework unfortunately. But they are also when I get to spend time with my niece so that is always a fabulous thing.
Have a fabulous weekend lovey dolls!
>.< my bed is almost never made... & right now it isn't even put together lOL
My bed is almost NEVER made, but I HATE racist/prejudiced utterances. My students are NOT allowed to say, "That's so gay." or "That is so retarded". I try to show them the ugly behind the words. :) Hope all is going well
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