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Monday, April 12, 2010

double trouble {1.}...

On Saturday I invited Bff Jil over to the H-Family household for dinner. She has her four year old nephew Jacob for the WEEK...and I had my four year old niece Jordan for the weekend. These two kids L-O-V-E playing with each other...for proof click here and here. They are double lie. They are also absolutely hilarious to watch. Would you like to see why?

*Click that link and you will be slain.*

Please excuse my annoying laugh throughout the video...also excuse the fact that I laugh like crazy whenever one of the children fall. Yep, I am a mean aunt.

I am pretty sure these two are going to end up either married...or in jail...just sayin'...

My little Bug and myself. The cutest niece ever...I will fight you on that one...

Bff Jil and her little man Jake & Bake...yes he does have lit up goggles on his head...don't judge him. That is how he rolls...

I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend! Happy Monday lovey dolls!



normandy trip. said...


miss & love you!

Jilian said...

Married or Jail for sure!!! Could be both!

Gotta give it to the nephew..he is a ladies man. Before we came over he made sure we had something to give to Jordan. "What can I give her? What can we take to her?" Fellas take note!

Fun times with those kiddos!! Dude I've got to find some of those goggles...hours of endless entertainment to be had with those!

Lauren said...

CUTE! Those goggles are legit.

Allison said...

This is HILARIOUS and they are SO cute. Gosh, I love how kids can just chase each other around a table for hours and never get tired! :) And your laugh isn't annoying at all, I love it!

Kell said...

Your niece is adorable! Kids are my favorite to be around.

Sam said...

aw, what cuties! I know I've mentioned this before in a comment, but she seriously makes me think of the little girl from Enchanted EVERY time you post a pic! Soo cute.

Mar said...

Hello, cuteness overload! They so need to wed one day, it will be epic :)