I have an announcement for you all. It's twins! In late August I will be the proud mother of two bouncing little new additions! I am beyond excited and cannot wait to buy new clothes for them, and yes there is the whole ouch pain part...but I can survive that...I think. So I am taking name suggestions. I have been thinking Captain and Tenille, Peaches and Herb, Dolce and Gabbana...still not sure.
What I am sure of? That my mom is the best mother on the planet and is gifting me with twins of my very own, all because I graduated from college. Oh. Are you confused now? Yeah I am not pregnant. No babies will be had. By 'twins' I am referring to the new boobage I will be adding to the bod come late August.

Here is my goal. I decided that since I want to do this to up my confidence a bit, that I am going to get healthy as well! Plastic surgery is an easy way out. So, while I am getting ready for the twins to arrive I have a goal to exercise my booty off and watch what I eat, the main goal of course is to lose some poundage but also to get healthy!
Wish me luck! Leave any name suggestions in the comment section! And even if you are TOTALLY judging me right now, just love me through it.