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Wednesday, June 30, 2010
wise words wednesdays {3.}...

Monday, June 28, 2010
a busy, busy week...

We swim until it is time to make dinner.
Eat dinner.
Watch a movie.
Read a book.
Then the glorious time known as 'Bedtime'.
Rinse and repeat for the next 6 days...
P.S. I am totally burnt to a crisp. I need to learn to use sunblock.
Friday, June 25, 2010
fill in the blank friday {10.}...

{2.} My favorite person to share a meal with is Bff Jil because, she is legit, duh. But, in all seriousness, no one appreciates food like Bff Jil and I do. I mean we plan our outings/trips/lives around when/where/what we are going to eat. Plus, she is hilar and we always have a blasty blast chatting it up, in between stuffing our faces. Holler.
{3.} The best meal I've ever had was the first time I dined on fried pickles at Hooters. Do. Not. Judge. Me. Hooters has delicious wings AND fried pickles may sound trashy, but I embrace the trashy. Just love me through it.
{4.} The one food that makes me feel instantly better when I'm having a bad day is a blue slushee. Okay, so a slushee may not technically qualify as a food, and blue may not be a flavor, but in my world it works. Rain or shine a blue slushee will lift my spirits like nobodies business.
{5.} My absolute specialty in the kitchen is avoiding anything related to the cooking process. Really, it is a gift. I am a super sleuth at staying far away from that room when it is meal time. Um, have I mentioned I despise (and suck at) cooking?
{6.} The city that has the best food is San Francisco because there are a million hole in the wall places that are delicious AND affordable. They have amazing bakeries, and seafood that is to die for. It is as close to culinary perfection as any city can be.
{7.} My favorite healthy snack is an apple. I eat an apple a day, it unfortunately does not keep the doctor away, but it tastes delicious.
{8.} In my opinion the nationality which has the best food is the Italians, duh. I must stick with my people! We have pizza, pasta, bread...what other food groups do you need? Yeah...none.
{9.} If I could learn to cook anything in the world (and be really good at it!) I'd choose decadent french pastries. I would KILL to be a fabulous pastry chef. Clearly, I just want some magnificent tarts in my life.
{10.} The most outrageous dessert I've ever had was the glory also known as, a Sprinkles cupcake. I mean, some may say they are WAY overrated...but they happen to be the most amazing cupcakes on the planet. Although, the white chocolate fondue at The Melting Pot is pretty damn good as well.
Have a great weekend folks! I plan on doing nothing but floating in my pool and trying to avoid the triple digit temperatures we will be having in Cali this weekend.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
wise words wednesday {2.}...

Monday, June 21, 2010
lessons learned...

So, what is my point? My point is this show taught me numerous life lessons. I seriously cannot tell you how many rounds of Trivial Pursuit I have won, because of random trivia I learned on this show. It is serious business. I own all seven seasons, and I can honestly say I have seen each season over ten times. I love it. So. Bad.
Would you like an example? Yes? Ok. Lesson learned in episode 1 of GG, "If you're going to throw your life away...he better have a motorcycle."
Now THAT is wisdom...

Sunday, June 20, 2010
happy birthday...

Let me gush again about how much I love the people I have met through this blog. I had the pleasure of real life meeting Lauren, on an epic San Francisco adventure and srsly with one eye roll and bitchy comment I knew we were bff soul mates (it's a soul mate threesome, Lar, Ash, and myself). We have bonded over hilarious emails, the creation of #dirrrtymagic, mimosas, spark plugs, being judgement twins, talking about birds, and holding hands in SF at night so she didn't trip and fall because of the ginorm heels she was rocking.

Saturday, June 19, 2010
all grown up...

I am so proud of you Little Baby Jacki that I could scream. I wish I could have attended and embarrassed you at the ceremony...maybe when you graduate college Ash, Lar, and I will come and embarrass the hell out of you! But that is neither her nor there. You did it. You pulled through four years of busting your buns and you are heading to the big bad college world, where you will do fabulously.Jacki, you are an amazing young woman. You are hilarious, smart, beautiful, and full of talent. You will be a success in all that you do. I love you Jail Bait, like a sista! Now go take the world by storm...I know you can do it.
Friday, June 18, 2010
fill in the blank friday {9.}...

Happy Friday everyone! Have a great weekend, and if you want to fill in some blanks of your own, make sure to head over to Lauren's blog and link up!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
the super fabulous road trip of pure awesomeness {3}...
After the hour long drive, 6 or 7 road rage outbursts from Bff Jil, and listening to The Twilight Saga Soundtracks...we finally made it to Forks, Washington. Holler. Be prepared...there are about a bazillion pictures in this post. Enjoy...

I would love to go on and on about how delish the mushroom ravioli was at the restaurant that was the location of Edward and Bella's first date...but the menu didn't look all that appetizing. We were bad Twilight fans and went to Downriggers for round two and had scrumptious seafood. Don't judge us...You best believe Bff Jil and I went and chatted up the ladies who pretty much know all things Twilight. They gave us maps and everything so we could commence our own little solo tour of Twi-World...
Also, since it was just a two person road trip adventure...there are many pictures of Bff Jil and I doing the exact same thing...one of her...and then one of me. We should have trailed some cute boy along with us to do all our picture taking business...
Why no, we did NOT find a boy to schlep around and take our picture all day long. But Bff Jil has some serious brains and pulled her big ol' Tahoe up as close to the sign as possible, balanced my camera in the window, set the ten second timer, and then hauled ass up the little hill so we could snap this photographic gem...
We then of course had to snap solo pictures of ourselves with the glorious welcome to Forks sign. This is Bff Jil...
and this is me, myself, and I...

We then ventured to one of the 75 Twilight stores that are located in the lovely Forks, Washington. We had to pick up some souvenirs for our friends who were not able to come on the trip with us...and to pose with Edward...
Or in my case...to molest the cardboard Edward cutout. Don't judge me. He enjoyed every single second of it...*ahem*...

I am pretty sure that Jil was thisclose to refusing to pose with the truck because it was so NOT legit...then she got over it and slapped a smile on her face so I could snap a quick picture. Say cheese...
Apparently this is Bella's house. See there is even a little sign that says 'Home of the Swans'. But this is not really her house (fakers)...it is some other people's house who don't mind allowing thousands of Twilight fans to take pictures of their home, as long as you don't go in their yard. Pretty sure that is a shanking offense or something...

Next stop was the Forks Hospital...where Carlisle works. Yeah, he does so work there. We have proof...
We also have almost identical poses in these pictures. Odd. Oh, and Dear Guys Who Were In The Building Where This Sign Hangs, we totally heard you making fun of us. Shut your faces. Love, Me...
We then ventured on over to Forks High, pulled over with the quickness in front of this sign, jumped out, snapped a picture of me...
snapped a picture of Bff Jil, and then ran like morons back to the car that we left running, and booked it. Why the mad photo dash? We were completely worried that the high schoolers would judge us for posing in front of their school...

Oh hiiiiii, The Cullen's (faux) household. Okay, really Forks?! Is this the best home you could come up with? I mean the Cullens are freaking loaded...you best believe their casa is like something you would see on MTV Cribs (whoa. i just made myself feel old)...
Isn't that Esme just a doll? She even left a sweet little note just for Bff Jil and I...

Then it was time for two fierce members of Team Edward to cross the infamous treaty line and venture into wolf territory. Things could get a little dicey folks...
Things did get dicey. As soon as we passed the sign for La Push it started to get way windy...and then the rain began. We were SO not feeling the rain, but being the stellar Twilight fans that we are we continued on...
Bff Jil snapped this because, and I quote, "Meh. That looks like it is high enough it may have almost-killed Bella when she jumped, yeah?" Um...yeah....
La Push was actually super pretty. I mean it was nicer then Forks...and the ocean was beautiful. But like I said, it was raining, we were not in the mood to walk along the beach in the rain, wearing flip flops, so we parked the car...
Snapped a photo of me, freezing my arse off...
and one of Bff Jil, freezing her arse off...
With that our trip to Forks/La Push was done. We booked it back to Port Angeles and spent the rest of the day eating, shopping, and going to see 'Sex & The City 2'. It was legit my friends...okay actually it was kind of a let down (we did the entire tour in less than an hour) and slightly ghetto BUT it was still a blast! I would recommend y'all making the trip up there if you ever get the chance!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
the super fabulous road trip of pure awesomeness {2}...
Anywho...this post is dedicated to the lovefest Bff Jil and I have with food...and with each other. We always joke that we are a couple, because we are pretty much the same person, we do everything together, and basically we are pretty much common law married. I mean if one of us was a dude the relationship would work out perfectly...just sayin'...

This is Bff Jil's foodgasm face...homegirl was obviously stoked for some fresh hot bread and soupy deliciousness in her belly...

For some reason Jil took 75,000 pictures of her soup...
Yep. It was THAT good, that we both took bread and scraped every morsel out of those bowls...it was thisclose to us just licking the bowl clean...

After making love to my soup I enjoyed hand battered fresh prawns...um they made me say holllllerrrr...
Bff Jil had grilled prawns...they were freaking delicious as well...let's just say that we ate at this restaurant BOTH nights that we were in Port Angles. Yum...

As we made our way back to our hotel room (and got lost about 12 times) we noticed these creepspice people statues all along the sidewalk. So we obviously had to get out and take pictures with them...I love me some boobage...

Bff Jil had to snap a picture as well...she loves some bend-overage...obvi...
Okay, I seriously have like 12,000 pictures of food from this trip...but there is no way I am posting all of them. Why? Well, because it is making me hungry...and it will make y'all want to lick your computer screens...which is probably not an awesome idea.
Although there is one more food-centric tale that I must include. Like I mentioned before Bff Jil and I are pretty much a couple. We decided to go out for Italian food when we finally arrived in Spokane (after the longest most boring 6 hour drive of my freaking life). We ventured out to Luigi's...and while at this restaurant we took our 'biatchmance' to a new level...

We snapped a 'signature pose' in the car on our way to din-din. Why yes, we DO love ginormous sunglasses...we are legit like that...

We made it to downtown Spokane and found the heavenly Italian food mecca, known as Luigi's. While we were perusing the menu, I suggested we take it easy on the pasta and stop eating before we get too stuffed for dessert. I. Wanted. Dessert. Specifically, I wanted to try Creme Brulee...which I had never had. So, we refrained from stuffing ourselves (kind of) and ordered one creme brulee to split...
It was obviously delicious...being that we only photographed the bowl after we had scraped it clean. We then realized that we took our straight-girl-date-night to a whole new level as we shared a dessert in a dark, candle lit restaurant, on a Friday night...
Bff Jil decided to document the seriousness of our relationship. What better way to document true freaking love, than by writing it out in chocolate? Why yes, that does say 'J+A' in chocolate, don't hate...
There you have it folks! Those are the highlights of all of the foodgasms we had on the road trip, now I am freaking hungry and want creme brulee.
Have a fabulous weekends lovey dolls!