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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

wise words wednesday {28.}...

I have being feeling super overwhelmed by life lately. I have gone from having a job that I love, to being really unhappy with my position as of now. I miss being a drug and alcohol counselor, plain and simple. I think that my new position at mental health is amazing and I am lucky to be on the ground floor of a great program, but I spend more time organizing and handling paperwork than getting to know my clients. The new program, The Health Care Collaborative, is starting tomorrow. It has been hectic, stressful, and has created an amazing amount of anxiety in my life. It has just been hard, and we are sort of playing it by ear. I am hoping everything runs as smoothly as possible...I shall be repeating this as my mantra all day long.

{28.} Wise Words...

Wish me luck my friends.



AubreyMo said...

You will totally rock this. I hope your job shifts back into something that you can love again. Not exactly how you loved your old job, something a little different but still perfect for you. Good luck chicka!

Heidi said...

Good luck! Maybe in some ways this will turn out to be better than you think.

I love your new mantra, and may just adopt it myself. :)