I am slowly, very slowly, but surely getting through the 30 post photo challenge! I swear one day I will actually complete the challenge. Look for the final post in about a year at the rate I am going. Anyway, on we go with number four...
Post #4: A picture of your night...
A Saturday night does NOT get any more legit than curling up in bed with People Magazine, some yummy fresh strawberries, and Season six of 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'. Ok...so yes. That is a pathetic Saturday night, but I couldn't care less. I am exhausted from the chaotic work week and that is just how I roll. I know your all jealous.
What did all of YOUR Saturday nights consist of? Anything that can top mine?
Um, your Saturday night does not look pathetic, it looks perfect. I love that you're reading People, I love that mag. My Saturday nights usually consist of TV or a really scary movie. And I have to be wearing pj bottoms to enjoy it. xo
I think your saturday night sounds so relaxing. My saturday nights lately have consist of late night studying and paper writing... since all my work have been due at midnight on Sunday nights, and I am a slacker that finally decides to do her work the day before its due ):
That is not lame at all! This Saturday night I was in bed, asleep/passed out by 8:30. I am OLD!
This is the best. I love nights like this. I don't read people magazine, but I stalk blogs. Does that count? haha
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