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Friday, January 21, 2011

I am sickly...and crazy...

So...I am whacked out on meds, bored out of my skull, and home sick on a Friday night. If that doesn't equal a rambling vlog then I don't know what does...

Psbtw...I apologize for the sicknast coughing. I have the plague. What can I say?



Sam said...

You poor thing! You almost died around 8 mins 40 seconds! :( :( :(

If I ever were to get a job that required me to remember anything I did in Stats, I'd fail miserably! The only thing I remember is that I passed...

I hope those meds kick in and you are healthy soon!

Melissa said...

You poor thing! I hope you feel better!

KatOfDiamonds said...

yay for random vlogging~ but sorry you are dying! no bueno!

and thanks for the brief on your Big Girl job, it was interesting =]