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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

wise words wednesday {6.}...

So, to state the obvious it is Wednesday. Which means I am on day 3 of The Job. It also means Big Girl World kind of sucks and makes me long for the days of a college classroom. I mean it isn't that bad, it is just crazy hectic with all that I have to learn. I also can't go into too much detail about The Job, being that it is in the mental health field most of the information is pretty much confidential (no seriously. i spent like two hours this morning trying to find a key that would open one of the file cabinets so I could lock up some files. this box had over 60 keys...not one of which worked.)

Things of note that have happened so far:

-A woman in the office wrote, "My office has a infestation of aunts" on the 'Problems With Solutions' bulletin board. *facepalm*

-I got asked out in group last night. It went like this, "Hey, my wife is leaving me. Do you wanna go out sometime?" Um. No dice.

-I received my official county worker badge to wear around the office and I actually look decent in the picture! Holler.

-I said the 'F' word in front of my boss. Three times.

-I got my very own office. Which is good and bad. Good because I have my own space. Bad because it is a woman's office who is off on sick leave until September, and she will hate me when she comes back and sees some 'kid' has her office and she is left without one. Also bad because it is SUCH a cluttered over decorated space that it makes my OCD freak. Hopefully, I can slyly move and organize all of her crap without anyone getting pissed.

-I came home from a LONG day at work to find this cute little fella hanging out on my laptop...

Bastina made him for me, and left him as a surprise when she was over here doing laundry today. I knew at once that it was a cupcake, and that I must name him 'Sprinkle'. In my world no other cupcakes exist. Yes, I did say HIM. Sprinkle is a boy who likes pink. Don't judge him...

Now it is time for the wise words...

{6.} Wise Words...
I am 24 years old. I am just getting started with my life. I have no idea how it will go, or where I will end up. That is the fun of life, right? The one thing I do know? I want to be happy.

Where do YOU want to be in five years?



Lauren said...

This is where the fun starts :) I also want to be happy in five years.

I love that you got asked out AND that you dropped the f-bomb in front of your boss. I probably shouldn't love that, but I do.

And Sprinkle is adorable! Christina is awesome!

Kell said...

I'd say welcome to the big girl world, but I'm not even in it yet. Soo while you're there, can you make it a little more fun for when I get there? Thanks!

Also, I think it's pretty awesome that you dropped the f-bomb in front of your boss. I hope you can get the messy office space under control! That would bother me to no end.

Ivy said...

On every star, birthday candle blow out, eyelash, necklace turn and falling star, I have wished for happiness for me and my family.
It keeps coming true. The power of positive thinking and a few wishes!

You can do this life and you are going to love it.

Positive Petersons said...

yay for growing up right?! in 5 years... i will hopefullyu be living! that's all i can really count on right now. the rest is up to fate.

Allison said...

I can't believe Christina made that? Oh my gosh- she's getting SO GOOD. And you- you're beautiful and smart and talented and funny. And my Mama Bear. I want you to be happy!

Ash Att said...

Alex, that little cupcake is ADORABLE! That's so awesome that you have a great job. i'm so happy for you!

ConnieB said...

That's totally a way to melt a girl's heart and get her to date you. ha!

and, I lllove that cupcake! Aww! haha!

Elysie Piecie said...

-I said the 'F' word in front of my boss. Three times.

Totally reminds me of Natalie from Love Actually.

In five years I have no idea where I want to be. I just want to be happy with where I'm at. I know I don't need to have a guy in my life for it to be perfect, but it would be nice to have someone to share the ride with.

Vanessa said...

in 5 years, all I want to be is happy and content. I think that is the most important part.

& Sprinkle is the cutest! Christina is amazing!

Love your face.

~kiMbeRLy~ said...

I love that cupcake and I love that you call him Sprinkle!!
I want you to be happy...
I have bad days but at the end of each one I lay in bed with Will and feel happy. Its amazing. I'm not saying that you need a man to be happy...I was happy single too. I think one of the keys is being real and being able to love yourself.

Love you!