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Friday, February 26, 2010

fill in the blank friday {4.}...

Here is another slacker post from me to you. Okay, really it isn't REALLY slacking...I actually love these posts. So it is a post full of love from me to you...okay? Okay...

{1.} When I'm nervous I talk 90,000 WPM (words per minute. Holla, Gilmore Girls).

{2.} My favorite item in my closet is my charcoal gray peacoat. I l-o-v-e it so bad.

{3.} Hanging out on my bed, reading a good book, with a mocha in hand, is my favorite thing to do when I need to relax.

{4.} My favorite childhood memory is playing 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' with my big brother Jon-than. He was Raphael, I was Michelangelo.

{5.} Something you may not know about me is I am not nearly as strong or brave as I pretend to be. Some think I am heartless, when in reality I am scared.

{6.} A true friend is someone who accepts you for who you are. Someone who may not 'get' you, but tries. Someone who can make you laugh and cry. Someone who is as good as family. Someone who tells you like it is, even if it isn't what you want to hear!

{7.} Something I hope people think of when they think of me is, Man! She has a killer rack...(yes, that WAS a joke).
Have a fabulous weekend loves!


Amy said...

Ha! I love when you do this (twss). I like to read your answers. Love ya!

Lauren said...

Donatello was my favorite turtle! With his bowstaff and purple bandana.

I love you!

Kristin said...

...I still dislike that there are 7. BUT. I love you. So I'll deal. Haha. When I'm nervous I laugh at EVERYTHING with a weird nervous's awful.

Ashton Dene' said...

i will make sure to comment on your rack when we meet in real life. (not that was not a joke).

ha, my answer to number 1 was that I talk super fast. loves it!

x, ash

loveeeee you

Mar said...

You're awesome! Love your answers!

Also, fun story, one time my bf and I were really drunk and for some reason we tried to come up with the names of the turtles... We got as far as Leonardo, Michaelangelo and Raphael. Then decided the last one must have been called D'Angelo.

Sam said...

I talk really fast when I'm nervous too. Especially when I'm giving a presentation, which really sucks when it is supposed to last a certain amount of time and I have enough info to last that long, but I speed through it :(

Lisa said...

I talk when I am nervous, when I am bored, when I am sleeping.....people say I can talk the paint off the wall!

You are such a sweetie! :)

Ivy said...

You left us envisioning your rack... hahahaha

love your posts always!