It's that time again kids...I have nothing clever to go on about so I turn to a 'The Book of Questions' post. I wish I had like a theme song for these posts...maybe I will write one and then record it (with my AWESOME singing me the people who play Guitar Hero with me know that I am SO the next American Idol) and then I will post it on here for all of you to enjoy and you can play it while you read and it will be like the jeopardy music...SA-WEET! It's a plan....
*Drum roll as I flip through the book......*
Question #25 (also known as the most lamespice question 'eva. I really want to flip to another one...but I said I would answer whichever question I flipped to and I have integrity and would feel bad if I was lying to all of basically it is YOUR fault I am doing this question...does anyone else love the fact that I use a bazillion ellipses per post and create the most ridiculous run on sentences in the history of run on sentences?)
Ok let's jump back on track...
Question #25: For an all-expense paid, one-week vacation anywhere in the world, would you be willing to kill a beautiful butterfly by pulling off its wings? What about stepping on a cockroach?
Answer: Um...the long and short of it...yes, and hells-to-the-yes! Seriously, no joke. Listen, I know all Gods creatures are equal but see this thing right here...
it's pretty right? I even searched photobucket until I found a REALLY unique, pretty butterfly to post. It's got great color...and I would totes rip off them wings for an all-expense paid week in Europe. Sorry...but that is the truth...and sometimes the truth hurts (ha! that's what the butterfly said! ok so now I need to go and make reservations at 'Dante's Inferno' because I am SO heading there after that horrible butterfly-torturing pun!)
And as for this sick little cockroach fool...
I would grind his little cockroach-bones (do they have bones?) into cockroach dust...I would even do it with my favorite shoes... then I would wipe off said shoes and pack them in my bag for my lovely free week long vacation....saonaira sucka!
Okay truth time bloggers...would you destroy these little buggie friends for a FREE week-long trip ANYWHERE you wanted? C'mon be honest...(if your answer is yes I will add you too my party when I make my reservations in the fiery pits!)
One last thing...there is a crucial poll going on right as we speak...a hot or not poll! It is a fight to the death between Robert Pattinson and Paul make your way over to Busy Bee Lauren and vote your booty's off! (also, if you do NOT vote for R-patz...I will block all of your future comments on this blog...just kidding! but c'mon he is a HOTTNESS MONSTER!)
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I would TOTALLY rip the wings off of that butterfly..and if I had to, I'd do it twice! (well obviously not to the same one, but another one for shiz!) The nasty cockroach...well I'd kill it too, but not with my shoes. I'd more than likely get something, like a shovel, and bash it's little body. The shovel because it would make a large sound so I wouldn't have to hear the crunch of the buggie body!! So my friend...I'm down with the bug brutality to gain a free trip!!
Uhm, is this even a question? I'd kill them both at the same time for a week in Europe or Australia, or anywhere really. A free week of vacation can make a girl do mean things so make sure to include me on the reservation!
I voted in the poll, but don't block me. I chose Paul.. it's a hard choice! I'd take both, one on each arm. 8)
Psh...I would TOTALLY murder a beautiful butterfly and an evil cucaracha hesitation! >:D
But I'd be screaming while stomping on that evil cucaracha beast! EEEK!
Word Verification just said WORMS, haha! :D
Haha Nancy Face! That word verification was SO much win!
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