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Saturday, June 19, 2010

all grown up...

I have mentioned many times that my favorite thing about my blog is the amazing people I have met through it. I have made lifelong friends, some that I have met, and some that I have not...yet. One of my best iBff's is the one and only Ms. Jacki Chace (if you don't know her, click here and read an interview I did with her once). I have yet to meet her in real life (soon jail bait, soon), but I can honestly say I love her dearly. Today is a VERY big day for Jacki, she is now a legit high school graduate!

I am so proud of you Little Baby Jacki that I could scream. I wish I could have attended and embarrassed you at the ceremony...maybe when you graduate college Ash, Lar, and I will come and embarrass the hell out of you! But that is neither her nor there. You did it. You pulled through four years of busting your buns and you are heading to the big bad college world, where you will do fabulously.

Jacki, you are an amazing young woman. You are hilarious, smart, beautiful, and full of talent. You will be a success in all that you do. I love you Jail Bait, like a sista! Now go take the world by storm...I know you can do it.



Anonymous said...

great. I just did my makeup for tonight's festivies and now I am crying.
thank you so much for being there for me, and being the best iBff anyone could ask for.
I wish that you, ash and lar could have been there to see me graduate!
p.s. my word verification is "fierce". holllaa

Ashton Dene' said...

awwwww little jail bait is growing up! I wish we could have been there to be 3 crazy big sis like people to make fun of you and cry a little as you walked across the stage.

I'm so proud of you jacki!

xo, ash

Lauren said...

Yay Jacki! Now the real fun starts in college! So proud of you! Now that you are about to be in the big girl world maybe you can meet us for an epic adventure!